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Displaying 10 of 257 matching citations.

McDade, Thomas W.; Beck, Melinda A.; Kuzawa, Christopher; & Adair, Linda S. (2001). Prenatal Undernutrition, Postnatal Environments, and Antibody Response to Vaccination in Adolescence. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74(4), 543-548.

Rous, Jeffrey J. (2001). Is Breast-Feeding a Substitute for Contraception in Family Planning?. Demography, 38(4), 497-512.

Wagstaff, Adam (2000). Socioeconomic Inequalities in Child Mortality: Comparisons across Nine Developing Countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(1), 19-29.

Adair, Linda S. (1999). Filipino Children Exhibit Catch-up Growth from Age 2 to 12 Years. Journal of Nutrition, 129(6), 1140-1148.

Avila, Josephine L. & Perez, Lorna L. (1999). Are Women Saying the Same in Sample Surveys and In Depth Interviews? A Comparison of Survey and Interview Responses on Household Decision Making and Marital Relations.. Guerrero, Sylvia H. (Ed.) (pp. 191-220). Manila: University Center for Women's Studies, University of the Philippines.

Gultiano, Socorro A. (1999). Husbands' Views on Family Planning and Labor Force Participation of Wives in Metro Cebu, the Philippines. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, 27(3/4 Special Issue: Everyday Life in the Central Visayas), 133-160.

Mendez, Michelle A. & Adair, Linda S. (1999). Severity and Timing of Stunting in the First Two Years of Life Affect Performance on Cognitive Tests in Late Childhood. Journal of Nutrition, 129(8), 1555-1562.

Guilkey, David K. & Riphahn, Regina T. (1998). The Determinants of Child Mortality in the Philippines: Estimation of a Structural Model. Journal of Development Economics, 56(2), 281-305.

Hotchkiss, David R. (1998). The Tradeoff between Price and Quality of Services in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 46(2), 227-242.

Miles-Doan, Rebecca & Brewster, Karin L. (1998). The Impact of Type of Employment on Women's Use of Prenatal-Care Services and Family Planning in Urban Cebu, the Philippines. Studies in Family Planning, 29(1), 69-78.