Adair, Linda S.; Guilkey, David K.; Bisgrove, Eilene Z.; & Gultiano, Socorro (2002). Effect of Childbearing on Filipino Women's Work Hours and Earnings. Journal of Population Economics, 15(4), 625-645.
Eckhardt, Cara L. & Adair, Linda S. (2002). Differences in Stunting Prevalences Calculated from Two Similar Growth References May Be Large and Inconsistent in Undernourished Children. Annals of Human Biology, 29(5), 566-578.
Hindin, Michelle J. & Adair, Linda S. (2002). Who's at Risk? Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 55(8), 1385-1399.
Adair, Linda S. (2001). Size at Birth Predicts Age at Menarche. Pediatrics, 107(4), e59.
Adair, Linda S.; Kuzawa, Christopher; & Borja, Judith B. (2001). Maternal Energy Stores and Diet Composition during Pregnancy Program Adolescent Blood Pressure. Circulation, 104, 1034-1039.
Adair, Linda S. & Popkin, Barry M. (2001). The Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey: History and Major Contributions of the Project. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, 29, 5-37.
Akin, John S. (2001). Estimating the Impacts of Socio-Economic and Biomedical Factors on Child Health: The Cebu Study.. Cleland, John & Hill, Allan G. (Eds.) (pp. 407-428). Canberra, Australia: Australian National University.
Borja, Judith B. & Barba, Corazon V. C. (2001). Assessing the Risks Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy in a Developing World Context. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, 29(1/2), 133-147.
McDade, Thomas W. & Adair, Linda S. (2001). Defining the "Urban" in Urbanization and Health: a Factor Analysis Approach. Social Science & Medicine, 53(1), 55-70.
McDade, Thomas W.; Beck, Melinda A.; Kuzawa, Christopher W.; & Adair, Linda S. (2001). Prenatal Undernutrition and Postnatal Growth Are Associated with Adolescent Thymic Function. Journal of Nutrition, 131(4), 1225-1231.