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Displaying 10 of 257 matching citations.

Adair, Linda S. & Guilkey, David K. (1997). Age-Specific Determinants of Stunting in Filipino Children. Journal of Nutrition, 127(2), 314-320.

Akin, John S. & Rous, Jeffrey J. (1997). Effect of Provider Characteristics on Choice of Contraceptive Behavior: A Two-Equation Full-Information Maximum-Likelihood Estimation. Demography, 34(4), 513-523.

Borja, Judith B.; Adair, Linda S.; & Bisgrove, Eilene Z. (1997). Effects of Childbearing on Quality of Women's Lives. (pp. 681-698). Liege, Belgium: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population [IUSSP].

Yoon, Paula W.; Black, Robert E.; Moulton, Lawrence H.; & Becker, Stan (1997). The Effect of Malnutrition on the Risk of Diarrheal and Respiratory Mortality in Children <2 y of Age in Cebu, Philippines. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 65(4), 1070-1077.

Zohoori, Namvar (1997). Does Endogeneity Matter? A Comparison of Empirical Analyses with and without Control for Endogeneity. Annals of Epidemiology, 7(4), 258-266.

Zohoori, Namvar & Savitz, David A. (1997). Econometric Approaches to Epidemiologic Data: Relating Endogeneity and Unobserved Heterogeneity to Confounding. Annals of Epidemiology, 7(4), 251-257.

Adair, Linda S. & Popkin, Barry M. (1996). Low Birth Weight Reduces the Likelihood of Breast-Feeding Among Filipino Infants. Journal of Nutrition, 126(1), 103-112.

Bisgrove, Eilene Z. & Popkin, Barry M. (1996). Does Women's Work Improve Their Nutrition: Evidence from the Urban Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 43(10), 1475-1488.

Blau, David M.; Guilkey, David K.; & Popkin, Barry M. (1996). Infant Health and the Labor Supply of Mothers. Journal of Human Resources, 31(1), 90-139.

Lacey, Linda & Carba, Delia B. (1996). The Role of Grassroots Organizations in Promoting Population Programmes: The Case of Cebu, Philippines. Asia-Pacific Population Journal, 11(3), 43-60.