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Occupational Gender Segregation and Wage Rate Differentials among Filipino Youth – Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey

Occupational Gender Segregation and Wage Rate Differentials among Filipino Youth


Lee, Nanette R. & Adair, Linda S. (2007). Occupational Gender Segregation and Wage Rate Differentials among Filipino Youth. Philippine Population Review, 6(1), 21-43.


The tendency of men and women to work in different occupations contributes to the persisting gender wage gap. This effect is suggested to be greater at younger ages as people begin their careers. However, this has not been ascertained in the Philippines because of data paucity, particularly among the youth which account for one-fifth of the country’s employed population. Using 2005 Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey data on 924 employed youth ages 20-22 years, we examined the: (1) extent of occupational gender segregation using the Karmel and MacLachlan index (I); (2) demand and supply side factors associated with occupational choice; and (3) effect of segregation on wage rate. Multivariate regression and Heckman selection models were employed. Results showed that there is occupational gender segregation that is worse among rural residents. Occupational gender segregation is significantly associated with wage rate inequality, even after controlling for human capital and employment requirements.

Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Philippine Population Review


Lee, Nanette R.
Adair, Linda S.