Wong, Emelita L.; Popkin, Barry M.; Guilkey, David K.; & Akin, John S. (1987). Accessibility, Quality of Care and Prenatal Care Use in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 24(11), 927-944.Abstract
The patterns and determinants of prenatal care are examined through the use of a randomly selected sample of 3000 rural and urban women who were studied prospectively during pregnancy and at three or four days postpartum. A large number of policy factors were found to influence the choice of most frequently used type of traditional, modern public or modern private prenatal care and the number of visits to each type of care, but few affected the first month of visit. The quality of care provided, accessibility to this care, and insurance available to the mother all had important effects on prenatal patterns. Large differences exist in the set of feasible policy options for improving prenatal care in urban and rural areas.URL Type
Journal ArticleYear Published
1987Journal Title
Social Science & MedicineAuthor(s)
Wong, Emelita L.Popkin, Barry M.
Guilkey, David K.
Akin, John S.