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Influences on the Extent of Breast-Feeding: A Prospective Study in the Philippines – Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey

Influences on the Extent of Breast-Feeding: A Prospective Study in the Philippines


Stewart, John F.; Popkin, Barry M.; Guilkey, David K.; Akin, John S.; Adair, Linda S.; & Flieger, Wilhelm (1991). Influences on the Extent of Breast-Feeding: A Prospective Study in the Philippines. Demography, 28(2), 181-199.


There has been much controversy about the impact of the health sector and the infant food industry on breast-feeding behavior. This study links causal factors to breast-feeding decisions, using a longitudinal survey of more than 3,000 Filipino mother-infant pairs. Most factors decreasing the likelihood that mothers will breast-feed seem to be related to family economics. Delivery in a private hospital, urban residence, high income, absence of spouse, and having worked for wages affect adversely the initiation of breast-feeding. Formula advertising and distribution of samples appear to have relatively little impact on feeding decisions.


Reference Type

Journal Article

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Stewart, John F.
Popkin, Barry M.
Guilkey, David K.
Akin, John S.
Adair, Linda S.
Flieger, Wilhelm