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Women’s Work and Infant Care in the Philippines – Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey

Women’s Work and Infant Care in the Philippines


Miles-Doan, Rebecca & Popkin, Barry M. (1993). Women's Work and Infant Care in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine, 36(3), 297-304.


Using data from a survey of 3000 Filipino infants and mothers, we analyze the implications of having more than one preschooler on several work outcomes, as well as the effect of availability of substitute care givers. The work outcomes of interest are those thought to be least compatible with infant care: work outside the home, wage work remunerated on a time basis, and long working hours. Our findings suggest that having multiple preschoolers only makes a difference for mothers whose household income is below the median: it increases their likelihood of working outside the home. Grandmothers and paid helpers consistently increase the likelihood of the various work outcomes and increase hours worked. Our findings suggest that urban residence, an indicator of work opportunity structure, increases the likelihood of wage-time work and is associated with longer working hours.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Social Science & Medicine


Miles-Doan, Rebecca
Popkin, Barry M.